The Blunt Truth is a collaboration between Avon and Somerset Police and the NHS aimed at encouraging young people to make a report if they know someone is carrying a knife.

The workshop – designed to be delivered in schools and youth settings - features a powerful film co-created with young people and teaches participants potentially life-saving first aid skills.
  • K
    Kris Withers
    Youth Engagement Officer, Violence Reduction Unit – Bristol, Avon and Somerset Police
    Kris has worked as a Police Officer for over 18 years, with 11 of those years in various partnership roles such as a Neighbourhood Beat Manager, School Beat Manager and most recently as Youth Strategy Officer. As a Beat Manager he got to work in Bedminster, an area in South Bristol where he grew up, being able to put something back into the community where he is from. As a School Beat Manager he worked in two Secondary Schools one of the Schools being Bedminster Down Secondary School which was the school he attended, again he was so proud to be able to work positively in a place that means so much to himself and have the chance to make a difference to the young people there. As Youth Strategy Officer he has been able to implement a number of programmes with the aim of diverting young people away from crime and ASB. He has worked with many partners such as the Prince’s Trust, Bristol City FC, Bristol Rovers FC and EFC (Empire Fighting Chance) on diversionary programmes. He has helped develop with the NHS, knife crime initiatives, one of which is the Blunt Truth Workshop which is aimed at encouraging young people to report should they know someone is carrying a knife, with the ultimate aim of preventing assaults involving young people and knives from taking place.
  • E
    Elli Campbell
    Youth Project Co-ordinator – Bristol, South Gloucestershire, Bath and North East Somerset, Avon and Somerset Police
    Elli has a background and education in the area of Youth Justice. She started working with Avon and Somerset Constabulary in January 2015, as the Offender Management Support Officer working within a multi-agency team managing and supporting violent and sexual offenders in custody and in the community. Since 2017 she has worked as Youth Project & Engagement Coordinator for South Gloucestershire and B&NES additionally taking over the Bristol area in December 2020. Her work involves supporting officers going into schools to deliver and achieve education objectives related to the PSHE curriculum, as well as the creation of lesson plans, and running education related training sessions for PCSOs and Police officers.
    Most recently she helped develop a number of knife crime initiatives with the NHS, one of which is the Blunt Truth workshop, written, developed and delivered by herself and colleagues. This unique workshop is aimed at encouraging young people to report anyone they know who may be carrying a knife. She is extremely proud of the clear impact this initiative has already had on the young people who have taken part.