Just how do you go about reforming, revamping and revising your curriculum offer? In this workshop, experienced primary school leader Julie Norman will discuss her experiences undertaking complete curriculum reform, both in schools as well as across an entire MAT. She will discuss the key processes, working with colleagues, parental engagement, working with partner secondary schools and more.

In one school, Julie led the move to a Character Curriculum which focused on sense of self, sense of others and sense of the world. In her last two schools she went so far as to get rid of subjects altogether and put all learning objectives into these three learning areas. The workshop will describe this journey as well. Ultimately, Julie will aim to offer practical advice for those charged with reforming or revising their primary school curriculum in the coming months.

The handout for this session is available by clicking the handout icon in the bottom right-hand corner.
  • 1625224122-050e7c5832ee022c
    Julie Norman
    Executive Primary Lead, Quantock Education Trust, Somerset & Managing Director, School Omega Solutions Education Consultants, Somerset

    Julie Norman has been in education for over 20 years working from early years up to key stage 3. She began teaching the ‘unteachables’ and found that they are very easy to teach when the environment is right. Julie later became an executive headteacher in Somerset looking at ways to cut teacher workload and embed a character curriculum allowing learning to be pupil-led. SOS was born to support thousands of headteachers to do the same. Julie now works with a growing MAT embedding the principles of excellence.