Cramlington Village Primary School begins each term’s curriculum planning well in advance by choosing a “big question” to be placed at the heart of teaching and learning. Recent examples include: What makes a great scientist? (science), Can we beat the greatest invention? (computer science), Where will our stories take us? (the arts), Why is clean and green our perfect dream? (Environment/geography). Dedicated off-site planning days for staff then take place when the term’s teaching and learning is developed, including key learning points, essential questions, activities/projects, and final outcomes.

Each term starts with a WOW event for children and staff to introduce the big questions and themes. These include off-site learning expeditions or in-school visitors. Other elements of planning include the role of the classroom environment (which must be interactive), key texts and literacy links (guided reading and “WAGOLLs” for quality writing), weekly key learning aims, and cross-curricular links (literacy, numeracy, Forest School, PE, Art, PSHE, etc). Each year group (N/R, Y1/2, Y3/4 & Y5/6) has a separate planning day before ideas are shared and further developed.

This workshop will give an overview of the Cramlington approach, how it works in practice, the implications for teachers and school leaders, the benefits the school has seen, how it relates to Ofsted’s new framework, and examples of planned curricula and WOW events across subjects.

The handouts for this session are available by clicking the handout icon on the bottom right-hand corner of the video player.
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    Deborah Wylie
    Principal, Cramlington Village Primary School, Northumberland

    Influenced strongly in childhood as a 1970's pupil premium child, Deborah has a passion to make learning accessible and exciting to everyone no matter what their ability, background or interests. Since opening Cramlington Village Primary School (CVPS) as part of the free school agenda in 2012, Deborah has pioneered curriculum development work in her school to become distinctively different to the traditional approach to curriculum. She understands that formal learning doesn't suit everyone and while an element of it is necessary in school, it has to be overlaid by wow moments. Captivating staff and children's enthusiasm through the curriculum has resulted in warm, mutually trusting relationships at her school alongside innovative events such as hosting a circus on the school grounds, welcoming artists in residence, and developing some lasting links within the community such as shops, theatres and local care homes.

    She hopes to share how she has included academic rigour behind curriculum ideas so that not only does the school meet the Ofsted criteria - but more importantly it has created solid foundations and sequences of learning that teaching can build on over the years the children attend. She doesn't purport to know it all (honest),but knows what has worked well for the staff and children at CVPS in the school's current context which she hopes will be helpful for others.
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    Sarah Koratzitis
    Y6 Teacher & STEM Lead, Cramlington Village Primary School, Northumberland

    Sarah is currently a lead practitioner, specialising in curriculum delivery, who has a passion for ensuring children become fully immersed in a rich and inspiring curriculum. Her previous experience in the engineering industry has supported her to develop authentic, child-led projects with carefully sequenced learning outcomes.