The pandemic has thrown into the spotlight the needs of children and young people with SEN and disability, and their families, highlighting the importance of securing good outcomes and providing high quality support for this population.

This presentation will explore current national developments, including the SEND Review, and how they will impact on improving support for children and young people with SEND in the wake of the pandemic.
  • 1620998353-0059058eaf1cb0a6
    Andre Imich
    SEN and Disability Professional Adviser, Department of Education

    Since April 2010, André has worked as the DfE SEN and Disability Professional Adviser, contributing to a range of policy developments, in particular the Children and Families Act. André has been a teacher and educational psychologist and held a number of practitioner and leadership roles in local authorities. He was a Regional Director in the National Strategies SEN team, and was an adviser to the Lamb Inquiry into parental confidence