For centuries, education theorists have highlighted the benefits of young children ‘being in nature’. Niki Buchan looks at the development of nature pedagogy and, in particular, its power to:

- provide risk, challenge and adventure in children’s play
- help develop children’s self-regulation
- give children a sense of agency and empowerment
- develop important dispositions such as resilience and independence
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    Niki Buchan
    international consultant, author and director, Natural Learning Early Childhood Consultancy
    Niki has lived and worked in South Africa, Scotland and since 2011, Australia. She has a great love for the outdoors and has been working with both adults and children for more than 38 years.
    She has worked internationally as a conference keynote speaker, nature pedagogue, mentor and author in the UK, USA, Canada, Iceland, Sweden, South Korea, China, New Zealand, Norway, Denmark and South Africa.
    She is a strong advocate for children’s right to a high-quality childhood and has a deep concern about children’s mental health and trauma. She trusts children as being capable and competent and believes children of all ages have a right to regular access to nature and to have their voices heard in matters that affect them. She is considered a leading voice in promoting Nature-based practice and is the author of Children in Wild Nature, A Practical Approach to Nature-based Practice, Adventurous Play and STEM Detectives.