In this session, mentor Sean Harris and ECT Caitlin Tubby Will discuss the secrets to a successful mentoring relationship. Despite working together during the pandemic, virtual working and lockdowns, following a range of processes and steps, Caitlin had a very successful first year and has achieved a huge amount. As a mentor, Sean has also benefited enormously from their sessions together. This workshop will discuss preparing for mentoring sessions, setting priorities, working together, things to avoid, things to remember and how to celebrate success - even when you've had a terrible day! Practical takeaways will include: how to get into a regular rhythm of coaching, learning and celebration; ensuring that your conversations add to the development of both mentor and mentee; actionable suggestions for making your sessions more practical, interactive and supportive; using the three As to make sure sessions are well paced and celebrate the wins; helping ECTs make a wider contribution to the edu-landscape; writing, blogging and researching as a mentor and mentee team; understanding how to make a difference with chocolate!
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    Sean Harris
    Assistant Curriculum Leader at a secondary school & postdoctoral researcher specialising in closing attainment gaps and poverty in the classroom
    Sean Harris is a part-time doctoral student with Teesside University investigating poverty in schools and how we tackle this in classrooms. Sean is also a teacher and middle leader with Bede Academy in Northumberland, situated in the coastal town of Blyth. He is a published author in the fields of education, community work and theology. Sean enjoys learning about learning, sharpening his practice with the help of mentees and thinking about the ‘so what?’ of research in relation to our classrooms. When he’s not mentoring, coaching or teaching… he’s usually being coached, watching films, writing for SecEd and spending time with his family.

    You can find him Tweeting @SeanHarris_NE or snapchatting about poverty and schools via @ThatPovertyGuy.
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    Caitlin Tubby
    Teacher of Philosophy, Theology & Ethics at Bede Academy, Northumberland
    Caitlin Tubby is in an Early Career Teacher and is passionate about learning, making a positive difference in schools and continuing to grow as a teacher. Caitlin completed her degree in Clinical Psychology through the University of Lincoln and decided that she wanted to take her knowledge of the brain to classrooms to work with children and young people. Caitlin loves learning about learning, engaging with education research and finding out about how we can continue to keep getting better as teachers. Her pupils and colleagues have likened her to Mary Poppins – more for her personal qualities than the size of her handbag! When she isn’t teaching and making a positive difference to the lives of children, Caitlin likes to read about sharpening her craft as a teacher, spending time with friends and taking good care of her pet lizard ‘Grogu’.