Bradford Better Start’s Baby Steps programme supports vulnerable women and their partners during pregnancy and their baby’s first months.

This presentation will show how a combination of delivery approaches has strengthened engagement, reach and retention and resulted in better health, resilience and parent-child relationships among families in inner-city Bradford.
  • 1627399017-1f164b4cdf19cb04
    Dr. Kirsten Asmussen
    Head of What Works Child Development The Early Intervention Foundation.
    Kirsten is a developmental psychologist with expertise in the parent/child relationship and lead author of the Evidence-Based parenting practitioner’s handbook (Routledge, 2011), the Ten steps for evaluation success guidance and most recently, Adverse Childhood Experiences: What we know, what we don't know and what should happen next.

    Prior to joining EIF, Kirsten worked at the National Academy for Parenting Research at King’s College London, where she managed the Commissioning Toolkit – a DfE funded project that assessed the quality of parenting interventions against standards of evidence and best practice.

    Kirsten’s research experience also includes the evaluation of the NAPP training offer, the 2011 NSPCC study of abuse and neglect, the On Track initiative and the local evaluation of Sure Start Children’s Centres in north-east London.