This prerecorded, on-demand workshop, is relevant to both primary and secondary colleagues. No Outsiders ( is an approach to teaching primary-aged children about diversity and tolerance, for which Andrew Moffat was nominated for the Global Teacher Prize. However, Andrew has undertaken much work focused on what happens to No Outsiders pupils when they head to secondary school.

Ultimately, this workshop will discuss how we can and must embed equality, inclusion, diversity across our national and school curricula, why this work is vital, and how schools might go about embedding these approaches and this ethos into their existing curricula. Andrew will seek to offer practical ideas and advice to help schools, primary and secondary, ensure their curriculum is inclusive and promotes equality. The session will touch upon how No Outsiders is effectively delivered at primary level and how secondary schools can adopt and adapt the No Outsiders ethos for their settings.

You can download the handout for this session by clicking the handout icon in the bottom right-hand corner of the video player.
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    Andrew Moffatt
    Class Teacher, Green Meador Primary School & Personal Development Lead, Excelsior MAT

    Andrew Moffat has been a teacher for 25 years and is currently teaching in year 4. He is the author of No Outsiders: Everyone different, everyone welcome and the CEO of the No Outsiders charity. In 2017 Andrew was awarded an MBE for his equality and diversity work and in 2019 he was listed as a top ten finalist in the Varkey Foundation Global Teacher Prize.

    Following protests about the inclusion of LGBT equality in his lesson plans in 2019, Andrew was awarded PinkNews Role Model of the Year, and European Diversity Awards Hero of the Year. In the same year, Andrew was awarded an honorary doctorate by the University of Winchester and in 2020 he was appointed visiting speaker by the University of Sunderland. @moffat_andrew