A priority for all new teachers must be to build your "teaching toolkit", filling it with as many pedagogies, techniques, ideas and resources as possible to stand you in good stead for the rest of your career. In this practical workshop, Julie Norman will discuss what kind of things you need to have in your toolkit and how you can find and collect them. Ranging from wellbeing advice, to CPD, to teaching ideas and resources, Julie will discuss how to begin building you toolkit. She will consider how ECTs can constantly evaluate their practices to ensure they keep what works and stop or change what doesn't. She will touch upon the importance of observing other teachers in and beyond your school and how to make the most of these observations in order to improve your own practice. You will leave the workshop with a range of ideas for how to begin your toolkit and what to put in it!
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    Julie Norman
    Executive Primary Lead, Quantock Education Trust, Somerset & Managing Director, School Omega Solutions Education Consultants, Somerset