Importance of effective family support
Guiding families through seamless transitions processes
Empowering families to be involved in decision making
Importance of parent-carer relationships with local authorities and education providers
Embedding co-production in everyday practice
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    Sherann Hillman MBE
    Head of Family Services, Seashell Trust

    Head of Family Services Seashell Trust, Co-Chair Stockport Parent Forum (voluntary role), previously National Network of Parent Carer Forums Co-Chair & NW Representative. Sherann was significantly involved in the Children and Families Act 2014 and relevant legislation.

    Sherann is a parent carer of 3 young people with SEND who is passionate about ensuring that children, young people and their families are at the heart of all services and legislation. Constantly advocating for the involvement of children, young people and parent carers in the design, development, review and delivery of services. Receiving a reward for her community work, recognition for her work in the SEND reforms and an MBE for Services to Children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities