Freeware comes in all shapes and sizes. Some of it is invaluable, but much of it is limited or has 'in-app purchases' to access more advanced features. This session will take you through what’s good and what’s not.
  • 1634824963-f50a5607e3156848
    Tim Hallas
    Technology editor, Music Teacher, and teacher in charge of Music Technology, Hills Road Sixth Form College
    Tim Hallas is a music technology teacher and has been teaching Music Technology A Level for over ten years. He currently works for Hills Road Sixth Form College as Teacher in Charge of Music Technology and the Teaching & Learning lead for Digital Learning.

    Tim writes articles on music, technology and education for various trade and education publications including Music Tech magazine and Music Teacher magazine and he speaks regularly at conferences around the country.

    Tim is an accomplished musician, producer and engineer. He lives in Hertfordshire with his wife, daughter and their cat.