As technology advances, embedded applications are increasing in complexity resulting in MCUs and SoCs being required to use external memory. While external memory provides the possibility to run large applications, how do you protect your code and data in external memory during the boot process or during firmware updates.

In this webinar, we will introduce the Winbond TrustME certified Secure Flash products that can protect, detect, and recover the platform firmware.

Delegates will:
• What are the hidden security risks in IoT applications?
• How to protect your code or data during the boot process or firmware updates.
• How Winbond’s TrustME certified Secure Flash products offer the perfect solution to protect, detect, and recover platform firmware.
Thursday, October 21, 2021 · 3:00 p.m. London (GMT +1:00)
Neil Tyler
Editor - New Electronics
Adrian Cosoroaba
Technical marketing Manager for Winbond Secure Memory Products-Winbond
Adrian Cosoroaba serves as the technical marketing manager for Secure Memory Products and has been with the Winbond group since 2020. He brings to Winbond over 25 years of semiconductor experience in memory applications and marketing. Adrian holds an M.S. in Electrical Engineering from Ohio State University and a B.S. in Engineering Physics from University of California at Berkeley