GC Webcast: Supporting a front-to-back ETF servicing model
One of the main takeaways from Global Custodian’s 2021 ETF Administration Survey was that being a full front-to-back service provider at a time of increased operational strain and changing market factors has become fundamental to receiving positive client feedback.
Providing a consistent level of servicing has become the norm, but custodians and fund administrators are also expected to lower the cost of ownership for asset managers, support performance, and drive new revenue streams.
In this latest GC webcast, industry experts will discuss how they are working with clients in partnership to lower operating costs, optimise front-to-back workflows, and support the expansion into new markets.
Wednesday, September 8, 2021 · 10:00 a.m.
Eastern Time (US & Canada) (GMT -4:00)
Key results from Global Custodian’s 2021 ETF Administration survey
Enhancing ETF workflow platforms
Adapting to a front-to-back operating model
Supporting performance and developing new revenue streams