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Plant-based diet is the secret to longevity in Blue Zone communities where people living to 100 is common.

But most of us don't know enough plant-based recipes that taste great.

Join us for a delicious plant-based cooking demonstration hosted by Nan Simonsen, Health Coach from Lifestyle Medical.
Lifestyle Medical
Primary care practice dedicated to restoring your whole health
Our mission is to empower you to address the root causes of chronic conditions by building healthy habits that truly heal, not just medicating to mask your symptoms. Learn more at
Nan Simonsen
Certified Integrative Health Coach
Nan is passionate about the value of maintaining health and vitality through a good nutrition, daily exercise, living mindfully, engaging in the community, and giving to others. As a certified health coach who enjoys a whole-foods plant based diet, her passion is to empower others to maintain and regain vibrant health and wellness. She enthusiastically embraces Hippocrates dictum, “Let food be thy medicine, and medicine be thy food.” With a love of all things food related, she recreationally spends time in the kitchen creating delicious and health enriching dishes for herself and her husband, and is eager to share her recipes and ideas.
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