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香港精神健康政策 - Mental health services for ADHDers

About This Webinar

- 目前為ADHDers提供心理健康支援所存在的問題
- 為ADHDers提供更好心理健康支援之可行措施

According to the Legislative Council research report in October 2021, the number of persons attending the Hospital Authority's child and adolescent psychiatric specialist outpatient clinics increased by 162% over the past decade to 40 300 in 2019-2020, with 43% relating to ADHD.  The service gap seems to get wider as evidenced by the long waiting list for public psychiatrist service.  This webinar aims to focus on 
- the current issues of mental health support provision for ADHDers and
- possible actions to provide ADHDers with better mental health support"

Who can view: Everyone
Webinar Price: Free
Featured Presenters
Webinar hosting presenter
Independent Researcher

Jess works in the field of policy research, particularly on the intersection between medical and social care. She has published reports related to gerontechnology, which seeks to consider how to leverage on technology to help older persons and persons with disabilities, as well as their carers, in collaboration with the Government’s SIE Fund, the Hong Kong Council of Social Services, and the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific. She is currently working on research about Hong Kong’s mental healthcare system for adults, which is due to be released later this year.
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Attended (73)