Series Day 2 - The Indian Self-Determination Act, Law & Administration

Module 2 covers the details of the contracting rules under the Act, 25 CFR Part 900. It provides detailed instruction for every subpart, from Subpart A through Subpart P. It covers the contract application process, contract review/declination process, standards for tribal management systems, reporting requirements, equipment/facilities and donation processes, waiver of regulations, appeals, tort claims, contract disputes, conflicts of interest, and retrocession/reassumption procedures. Subpart J – Construction is a special, separate regulation.

Module 3 provides an overview of Indirect Cost Rates structure and how Indirect Cost Rates work in an organization. Special emphasis is placed on how Indirect Cost Rates work in a Pub. L. 93-638 environment; and how lack of full funding impacts tribal programs and tribal funds. The Indian Self-Determination Act has unique statutory provisions that provide separate funding for tribal Indirect Costs, but full funding is not always provided. This module will provide an overview of the differences between Pub. L. 93-638 contracts and discretionary grant funding.
  • Education & learning
  • Nonprofits & causes
  • Professional development
  • Other
  • Module 2- A Review of the Regulations, 25 CFR Part 900 (Subpart A through P)
  • Module 3 – Introduction to Indirect Cost Principles (Contract Support Costs)
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