For 50 years elite performers have sought out the best NLP Masters to shift their own ability to create outcomes that at times seemed magical ... seldom however are the inside secrets of NLP actually shared or revealed, even my the Masters who know them. Join Joseph Riggio, NLP Master Trainer and Architect & Designer of the MythoSelf Process and SomaSemantics to learn the insider knowledge that will transform you skills of persuasion and influence to levels very few even know exist ...
Webinar ended
Join Dr. Joseph Riggio as he lays out the hidden secrets that NLP Masters use to create connection, collaboration and compliance.
  • The distinctions whole form learning vs traditional learning ... going being fragmentation and it's limits!
  • The difference that makes the difference, application versus theory (what most folks don't know and can't do)
  • Reorienting from problems to possibilities (this one thing alone can change your life entirely!)