On-Demand: Post-COVID: What will be the new normal for rail travel?

COVID-19 has had a major impact on rail, as it does on all of us. The sector’s vital role in carrying passengers to work and school, to their loved ones and to their dream holiday destinations is now virtually impossible to fulfill. After the lock down is lifted, will passengers come back? What are the medium- and long-term impacts for rail operators, governments, and the supply industry? What are the lessons to be learnt? How can the sector come out of the tunnel and continue the journey of growth we have seen in recent years?

  • Introduction: Carlo Borghini
  • Presentation 1: Rail post-COVID: Kick-starting the Green Deal, Elisabeth Werner
  • Presentation 2: Post-COVID: What will be the new normal for rail travel? - The role of OTIF, Wolfgang Küpper
  • Panel discussion & audience Q&As 1: All speakers
  • Presentation 3: UIC COVID-19 Taskforce, François Davenne
  • Presentation 4: By air or by train: the dilemma of the post-COVID traveller, Céline Fornaro
  • Panel discussion & audience Q&As 2: All speakers
  • Price: Free
  • Language: English
  • Who can attend? Everyone
  • Dial-in available? (listen only): Not available.
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