JOS pe charcha - How to build a career in Digital Marketing
Join this (hopefully!) fun and informative JOS Pe Charcha between Sarvesh (Founder - Internshala) and Amitabh (Founder - AMP Digital) where they tell you all about Internshala's new offering - India's first Job Oriented Specialization (JOS) in Digital Marketing - and answer all your questions. If you have been considering a career in Digital Marketing or just wondering why there is so much hype about Digital Marketing and whether you should consider a career in Digital Marketing - this is a must-attend webinar for you.
Sarvesh Agrawal
Founder & CEO - Internshala
Amitabh Verma
Founder - AMP Digital, Ex-Googler, and Top 100 digital marketer in India
This webinar will show you…
  • 1617096829-50bef4564ea63f5d
    What is digital marketing and what makes it SO exciting?
    Overview of the industry, the growth opportunities, and what makes it an in-demand field these days.
  • 1617096834-d51b1e975dbe5706
    What career options do you have in Digital Marketing?
    We will talk in-depth on career paths in Digital Marketing and the skills needed to land that hot job.
  • 1617096840-2bd7f364a0296aa4
    How do we prepare you for a 3LPA+ job in digital marketing?
    Get all your questions answered about JOS curriculum, certifications, fee, and the placement assistance.