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Over the past few months, we've gained agility, scale & speed thanks to APIs.

But as you'll be exposed to, in driving rapid growth we've created new vulnerabilities. The latest trends report a surge in API related attacks across the region, and a stream of IT departments that are ill-prepared.

We invite you to join an insightful live webinar featuring guest speaker Sandy Carielli (Principal Analyst, Forrester) as well as Dan Gould and Neil Patel from Cloudflare.

We'll dive into the key API security risks affecting the enterprise landscape, and explore how to strengthen your security posture as we move forward with APIs.
  • A dive into the state of API-driven applications in 2021
  • Identifying the key vulnerabilities in your APIs
  • Building an API security strategy that allows for growth and innovation
  • Security in action: we'll showcase Cloudflare's API Shield in a live demo
Principal Analyst, Forrester
Guest speaker
Senior Technical Marketing Manager, Cloudflare
Editorial Director, Innovatus Media
Matt is the Editorial Director at Innovatus. He enjoys giving executives the time and space to think about new ideas, as well as looking at the impact technology has on culture. His hobbies include being tormented by his two children as well as reading, once his kids are asleep.
Product Marketing Director, Cloudflare