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HistoryExtra The Aftermath of World War II Masterclass with Keith Lowe, Part Three: The War is Over, Long Live the War.

About This Webinar

Part three of a five-part masterclass series.

Purchase the full series here: https://bit.ly/3rOVFUo

The violence of the war did not stop in the summer of 1945: indeed, in many countries, it continued for months and even years. This session puts that violence centre stage, exploring the extent to which it was actually a continuation of the Second World War under a different name. From the Greek civil war to the wars of decolonisation in southeast Asia, many of these conflicts were to have consequences that can still be felt today.

The session will include an introductory talk, discussion of a document picked by Keith, and an extensive Q&A. Registrants will also be sent a link to view a recording of the webinar shortly after it has ended.

Who can view: People who attended or registered for the webinar only
Webinar Price: £15.00
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Keith Lowe is the prize-winning author of several books on the Second World War and its consequences, including the international bestseller, Savage Continent: Europe in the Aftermath of World War Two (St Martin’s Press, 2012). He is a regular contributor to BBC History Magazine.