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Here at Industrial Distribution, we publish plenty of sales-oriented content for our readership that consists largely of executives, managers and sales professionals at distribution firms. The vast majority of that content offers best practices for sales management and tips for selling more efficiently and confidently and managing sales teams. It’s all great and well-written content, but predominantly focuses on one or two issues at a time.

Something we haven’t done lately is to take a holistic view of the sales process and determine what can and should be changed. But that’s exactly what Justin Roff-Marsh and his team at Ballistix does. Roff-Marsh is the founder and president of Ballistix, which provides sales process engineering — a service that involves the design, build-out and supervision of the entire sales support function in a way that encourages dramatic organizational growth.

There’s a good chance you’ve seen Roff-Marsh’s best-selling book, titled, The Machine: A Radical Approach to the Design of the Sales Function,” previously on the ID website, e-newsletter or maybe you’ve even read at least part of it. Well today, we’re taking a deep dive on this topic with Justin himself.
Founder: Ballistix
Ballistix builds (or re-engineers) sales environments for mid-sized organizations, particularly manufacturers and tech companies. All the sales environments we build feature division of labor (salespeople do nothing but sell) and an inside-out approach to sales (a big inside team supporting a smaller--but busy--outside one). We work in both complex (project) sales environments or simple (commodity) ones.
Managing Editor, Industrial Distribution
Mike Hockett is Managing Editor of Industrial Distribution. He previously served as ID's Editor from 2014-2018, before a 1-year stint as Editor-in-Chief of Evaluation Engineering during 2018-2019 before returning to ID. He also served as ID sister publication Industrial Maintenance & Plant Operation (IMPO) from 2016-2018. Prior to those publications, Hockett worked in sportswriting at The Fond du Lac Reporter (2012-2014) and the Newton Daily News (2010-2012). He graduated from the University of Wisconsin Eau-Claire in December 2009 with a B.A. in Print Journalism.