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· 1 hour 30 minutes

Beyond the Shutter Click

Monday, February 1, 2021 · 11:30 a.m. · Rome
About This Webinar

Workshop IED

During this 2020 it’s been hard to not fall into a creative slump as the lack of outdoor time and
social activity really affected us all mentally and creatively. Yet, new and more sustainable horizons are emerging all around the world, about fashion and photography productions.
We’ll work on a thrift flipping project where all participants will take random clothes, towels, or items (such as empty bottles, kitchen tools, soap bars...) and turn them into creative sculptures.
All partakers will be set designers and directors/photographers at once, as the available sculptures will either shot and shared or framed remotely with the screen capture tool.
This quick activity wants to highlight the importance of pre-production, props research and composition in photography.

Who can view:
Webinar Price: Free
Featured Presenters
Webinar hosting presenter
Art Director with a cross-disciplinary experience and Photography Undergraduate Course Coordinator at IED Milano
Attended (21)