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Practice session with Melo Calarco

Monday, May 10, 2021 · 9:00 p.m. · Canberra
About This Webinar

A talk by Melo Calarco. It's time to recharge your energy after the challenging year that was in 2020 and reset your intention for a positive year ahead.

In this session we will explore various tools and techniques to help you manage stress, prevent burnout and stay more energised everyday. You will also learn some positive mindset strategies and self-care habits to look after your physical & mental wellbeing.

Come along, have some fun and walk away with some very valuable tips.

Who can view: Everyone
Webinar Price: Free
Featured Presenters
Webinar hosting presenter
Mindfulness & Performance Coach-Keynote Speaker-Corporate Programs Facilitator
As a certified mindfulness facilitator and performance coach, Melo has the unique ability to bring the best out of the people, and the companies, he works with. He has studied and taught mindfulness and meditation for well over 25 years and his results-based work is grounded in neuroscience, mindfulness, human behaviour and other unique tools to help his clients find self-awareness, clarity, focus and ultimately success.

Melo learned to manage highly challenging and stressful situations, build mental endurance and rise above adversity from his life lessons on the road where he cycled, trekked and travelled over 30,000km’s around the planet on his mountain bike. He traversed Africa, Asia, India, Nepal, Europe and North America, along the way he had to overcome many obstacles and demanding encounters, including near-death experiences. While travelling he has also immersed himself in the meditative and spiritual practices from the remote corners of the globe.

He now shares that deep experience in his professional role as a certified performance coach and mindfulness facilitator with corporate CEO’s, managers and directors of large companies, as well as sporting professionals, entrepreneurs, thought leaders and individuals that want to be the absolute best at their craft.

His work has been described as ‘truly transformational’!
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