Structured Text Math Instructions in Cscape’s IEC Editor
Tuesday, August 22, 2023 · 2:00 p.m.
For some Automation Engineers - one of the key advantages of the Structured Text (ST) languages is its handling of math instructions. This gives ST the ability to elegantly and efficiently handle even complex algorithms with minimal lines of code. In this Livestream we will perform an extensive review of ST Math instructions - including arithmetic, trigonometric and logarithmic functions. We’ll also build real-world examples of complex algorithms using Structured Text.
Tuesday, August 22, 2023 · 2:00 p.m.
Eastern Time (US & Canada)
Marci has been with Horner since June of 2020. She has been doing marketing for over 25 years and has witnessed the huge differences in tools, trends and media. She is helping to bring Horner Automation into the spotlight with LIVE events and...
Casey has spent the last 6 years in the industrial automation industry gaining experience with various types of controls, manufacturers and applications of all shapes and sizes. He graduated from Purdue with a Bachelor's degree in Electrical...
Chuck has served a variety of roles in his 30+ years at Horner - but has always been an Applications Engineer at heart. Chuck graduated (a looooong time ago!) from what is now Kettering University in Flint, MI with a degree in Electrical...