Explore how mmWave technology is revolutionizing wireless research across various fields, including 5G/6G, SATCOM, radar, and Joint Communication and Radar Sensing (JCRS). This webinar focuses on mmW-SDR, which combines mmWave Technology and Software Defined Radio (SDR), providing a glimpse into its potential.
Discover the capabilities of the mmW-SDR bundle by TMYTEK and NI through a detailed examination of cutting-edge testbeds featuring TMYTEK BBox 5G beamformers, UD Box 5G frequency converters, and NI Ettus USRP X410. In addition, mmW-OAI is extended from mmW-SDR, deeply integrated with the OAI open-source stack for 5G FR2 End-to-End (E2E) test network experiments and trials. Gain practical insights into leveraging mmW-SDR to drive innovation in wireless communication systems.
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