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Explore how mmWave technology is revolutionizing wireless research across various fields, including 5G/6G, SATCOM, radar, and Joint Communication and Radar Sensing (JCRS). This webinar focuses on mmW-SDR, which combines mmWave Technology and Software Defined Radio (SDR), providing a glimpse into its potential.

Discover the capabilities of the mmW-SDR bundle by TMYTEK and NI through a detailed examination of cutting-edge testbeds featuring TMYTEK BBox 5G beamformers, UD Box 5G frequency converters, and NI Ettus USRP X410. In addition, mmW-OAI is extended from mmW-SDR, deeply integrated with the OAI open-source stack for 5G FR2 End-to-End (E2E) test network experiments and trials. Gain practical insights into leveraging mmW-SDR to drive innovation in wireless communication systems.

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Ethan Lin
Co-Founder and Vice President, TMYTEK
The Co-Founder & Vice President-Ethan Lin is a serial entrepreneur who founded three companies since 2007. He leads the software technology and marketing teams. Before TMYTEK, Ethan founded Scarlet Tech, a successful IoT company run until today. He ever worked for the smartphone maker HTC and cooperated with Microsoft and Qualcomm closely in software and wireless communication. He built the world's largest infrared telescope (WIRCam) for CFHT in Hawaii in the first job. Ethan holds a Master's degree in Electronics Engineering on Quantum Dots IR detectors from National Chiao-Tung University, Taiwan.
Malay Duggar
Chief Offering Manager, Portfolio Business unit, NI
Malay is the Chief Offering Manager for wireless research at NI (Now part of Emerson), where he leads the product development and market strategy for this domain. He has a deep understanding of the current and future trends in wireless technologies and how to address the challenges and needs of the customers. He is also the domain expert who guides the customers to succeed on the NI SDR platform and shapes NI’s vision and approach to support cutting edge research. He is passionate about building ecosystems that foster collaboration and innovation among researchers, industry partners, and academia. He believes that by bringing together diverse technologies, wireless research can be accelerated and transformed. He is currently working on developing platforms for key applications involving AI / ML, mid-band and mmwave frequencies, and Sensing.

Malay has a rich global experience, having worked in different locations such as Texas, California and Bangalore, India before settling in Singapore. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Physics and Electrical Engineering from The University of Wisconsin, Madison (2005) and a Master’s degree in Electrical Engineering from Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh (2009).
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