A talk by Kevin Fremon. Hey! What's up? I'm Kevin.

I'm a tattooed up tech-entrepreneur and have spent the last 15 years building online communities while loving every minute of it... Mostly. :)

Recently, platforms like Circle, Mighty Networks, Tribe, etc. have made the technical hurdles of creating an online community super low. We can practically sleep-walk over them.

In this talk, we'll cover a little bit about the technical nuts-n-bolts of building community. But what I'm REALLY PUMPED to share with you is what I've learned about the HUMAN-SIDE of building community.

I'll teach you the 3 C's of building a truly engaged community. Plus, I'll give you actionable tips to craft an incredible experience for your community members. So much so they won't be able to help but to tell all their friends about it.

We're doing this LIVE and I encourage your participation with questions so that I'm able to provide as much value as possible to you in a short period of time.

Sound good? Awesome!

I'll see you on Aug. 6th at 11am PST.

You rock!
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