If you are a Spring 2020 student who has just begun their Master's program in the US - congratulations! You made it this far into a program of your choice. You are likely feeling a mixture of early excitement as you go through your university's orientation, as well as overwhelmed, as you set up a new life here in the US and have an ocean of decisions to make.

In the commotion of the first weeks at your university, it is easy to forget one of the key goals for your education: to get an incredible internship that will lead to a job offer as well as teaching & research positions at your university. It is even easier to forget that you, as a Spring 2020 student are faced with the challenge of getting only ONE CPT internship period for a two year degree, compared to your Fall 2020 peers.

In this webinar, we will discuss exactly how Spring 2020 students can work around this limitation, and how they can plan for the year ahead to maximize both internship and academic opportunities. Specifically, we will go over:

- how to set yourself up for success in the internship & job hunt as a Spring 2020 student (as opposed to traditional Fall 2020 entrants)
- details of CPT & OPT formalities
- actionable strategies on how to make the most of your first few weeks at the university in terms of networking, pitching yourself to faculty, and navigating career fairs
- and how to spend Summer 2020 on high calibre opportunities despite the unavailability of CPT for you
- relocation topics & formalities such as paying tuition fees, health insurance, banking etc as voted on by you in the registration form
- interactive QnA

The webinar will be hosted by two of Gradly's team members, who collectively have had both industry, academic & research experience: being recent Brown alumni, experience working at Uber & Amazon in Software Engineering roles, starting a company as international students funded by top Silicon Valley VCs like YCombinator & Khosla Ventures, as well as holding a fully funded research position at MIT Media Lab, to name a few.

Both during and after the webinar, we will share considerable resources to help you in your planning and preparation. Attendees will also receive an invite to an exclusive WhatsApp group for discussion & resources focused on internship prep and future webinars in this series.

Bring a friend and spread the word! And don't forget to RSVP to the webinar yourself.

To contact us for any questions or queries:

WhatsApp us at +91 6366-467-085 (IN) or +1 (334) 401 4515 (US)

Call us at our IN number: +91 9492557799 or at our US number: +1 (334) 401-4515
  • how to set yourself up for success in the internship & job hunt as a Spring 2020 student (as opposed to traditional Fall 2020 entrants)
  • details of CPT & OPT formalities
  • actionable strategies on how to make the most of your first few weeks at the university in terms of networking, pitching yourself to faculty, and navigating career fairs
  • relocation topics & formalities such as paying tuition fees, health insurance, banking etc as voted on by you in the registration form
  • interactive QnA
Rishabh Singh
Brown University, Class of 2017 (Computer Science)
MIT Media Lab
Krishna Aluru
Brown University, Class of 2017 (Computer Science)
YCombinator (W2017 Batch)
Registration is full. If you have already registered, please log in or use the link from your registration confirmation email.