Deductibles? Copays? Coinsurance? Out of Pocket Maximum? Waiver Requirements? ACA compliance?

If you are baffled by these terms as an incoming international student in the US, you are not alone. Health insurance for international students is a topic that is surprisingly complex, particularly given the fact that this may be your first exposure to the US healthcare system and its myriad complexities & formalities.

At Gradly, we have created a suite of affordable & personalised plans that meet your university's waiver requirements, are pre-approved by your university, and whose registration & waiver process are entirely digital and automated. However, as former international students ourselves, doing this was in no way easy -- we had to navigate all of the above first as students, and then while working on Gradly.

As a result, we empathise with you because we were as overwhelmed as you are not long ago. Therefore, to supplement our portfolio of insurance plans, we have created a webinar series designed to walk you through the fundamentals of health insurance in the US. Our goal with this webinar is to equip you with a functional and proficient understanding of all the variables involved in assessing the quality and the fit of a health insurance plan for you. Then, we simply supply you with facts & quantitative comparisons between Gradly's plans as well as any possible alternatives you may be considering (such as your university's health insurance plan or other third party plans) and let you arrive at the same conclusion that we definitively have: Gradly's insurance plans are best in class in every way - price, quality of coverage and affordability of premiums.

Bring a friend and lots of questions as the webinar will be peppered with slots for interactive QnA on the topics and definitions we will cover, as well as any personalised questions you may have.
Wednesday, January 22, 2020 · 3:00 p.m. IST (GMT +5:30)
  • Deductibles, Copays, Coinsurance & Others - Understanding the Fundamental Variables of Insurance
  • Assessing Fit Between Your Medical Needs & Schedule of Benefits of a Plan
  • Estimating Projected Medical Expenses and Interpreting Gradly's Insurance Comparison Reports
  • Gradly's Insurance Plans & How They Are Superior
  • The Waiver Process & How It Works with Gradly's Insurance
  • Interactive QnA
Rishabh Singh
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