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Nick Hill
Host, LocalGovDigital LOCKDOWN
Creator of Public Sector Forums, #channelshiftcamp, Public Sector Customer Services Forum & Event Maker @ LocalGovDigital
This workshop by Matt Finch of will give attendees the opportunity to explore practical, simple, but effective tools to identify and deal with future uncertainties and make better strategic decisions.
Matt has extensive practical experience working within and alongside local government in Australia and New Zealand, the US, Ireland, and the UK. He is an Adjunct Research Fellow at the University of Southern Queensland and a regular facilitator on the Scenario Planning course at Oxford University's Saïd Business School. He specialises in helping institutions and communities to plan for uncertainty and strategise their way through turbulent times.
In this session, we'll look at the distinction between risk and uncertainty, explore straightforward ways to identify our strategic blindspots, and try out a range of tools intended to help an organisation and its stakeholders have richer, smarter conversations about their future decisions, on or offline.
We'll refer to some practical case studies, and have time for questions and discussion of what it means to plan your way through the current pandemic and beyond.