Manufacturers and suppliers need to readily adapt to new substrates and finishes to meet evolving OEM needs. This presentation will cover various zinc alloy processes available, keying in heavily on zinc-nickel and the properties that make it appealing to manufacturers—specifically within the fastener, casting, automotive and heavy equipment industries. Columbia Chemical will examine trends and technologies relative to the electric vehicle market and explore the growing automotive interest in tin zinc. Applicators, OEMs, Tier suppliers and engineers alike will benefit from this presentation as they provide information focused on coating corrosion resistance and durability and present an overview of trivalent passivate finish options relative to color, corrosion protection and considerations related to bake requirements and torque tension.

Presented by:

Columbia Chemical: Simplifying Surface Finishing logo
  • The benefits and appeal of zinc nickel to a variety of industries
  • The role of zinc nickel and tin zinc in the electric vehicle market
  • A comparison of the advantages of acid vs. alkaline zinc nickel
  • Review of passivate finish options and torque tension modifiers
Mark Schario, CEF
Executive Vice President
Mark Schario serves as executive vice president of Columbia Chemical. He has over 30 years of experience in the surface finishing industry and functions as the company's top liason to the automotive industry. He is chair of the ASTM B08.10 committee on test methods for metallic and inorganic coatings. Widely regarded as the expert on trivalent chrome, Schario travels worldwide to provide comprehensive training and oversight on hexavalent to trivalent conversions and decorative line installations. He is a member of NASF and has earned the industry designation of certified electroplater-finisher (CEF). He holds an Executive MBA from Case Western Reserve University.
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