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What's the difference between a lab-based ultrafast 3D printer and a desktop 3D printer?

Nexa3D pioneered lubricant sublayer photo curing (LSPc) technology, a gamechanger in resin 3D printing technology that produces print speeds that are six times faster than stereolithography (SLA). While that technology was first launched on the NXE platform, Nexa3D's latest 3D printer, the XiP, brings this technology to the desktop. So what's the difference between NXE 400 and XiP?

Nexa3D has enlisted the help of Brent Zollinger, technical director and operations leader at Nexa3D, to walk through the differences between NXE 400 and XiP and the types of users who can benefit from ultrafast 3D printing in the lab, workshop or studio. As a bonus, Brent will speak to the types of prints he sees printed every day at the Next Factory—Nexa3D's in-house service bureau that he oversees—and how you can get your part printed, too.

Join Nexa3D for this live webinar and be sure to bring your questions.

Presented by:

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  • Resin 3D printers: what is LSPc and how does it print so fast?
  • The showdown: NXE 400 vs. XiP
  • Who is the NXE 400 for?
  • Who is the XiP for?
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