Many plastics processors know that they should implement a purge program but just don't know how to get started. This presentation will discuss how to select the best purge for your needs. It also will show you what data to collect, how to collect it and how to measure performance when you introduce purging to your process. You will learn the basics of purging. Asaclean will teach you ways to solve six common processing issues and will walk you through what to expect when you decide to implement a purge program. Asaclean's purging expert will explain different tangible ways purging compounds can improve efficiency and will discuss several customer examples of how purge programs helped them reduce costs.

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  • Understand your processing data
  • Choose a purging compound that fits your needs
  • Address existing processing pain points
  • Introduce a plan to improve efficiency moving forward
Chris Melchiore
Business Development Manager
Chris Melchiore is a business development manager with Asaclean Purging Compounds. Chris has specialized expertise in chemical purging compounds and concentrate grades. Before joining Asaclean in 2015, Chris worked for 16 years for Novachem.
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