Didn't think digital transformation could help your shop? Guess again—#3 is really going to surprise you!

Digital transformation is something ProShop defines as eliminating 95% or more of the paper-based processes in your shop and doing them entirely digitally—and it's inevitable.

Eliminating paper-based processes can have a huge positive impact on efficiency, cost reduction, throughput and—ultimately—the profitability of your shop. Digital transformation will help you win new sales and keep your company full of work.

Come hear the story of one machine shop's transformation which has led to the transformation of hundreds of other shops around the world.

Presented by:

ProShop Digital Manufacturing Ecosystem logo
  • What digital transformation is
  • Why it's important (even though change is hard!)
  • Five ways digital transformation can grow sales and increase throughput
  • How one company reduced the time it took to get work orders out onto the shop floor from two weeks to one day after going through digital transformation
Paul Van Metre
Founder, ProShop ERP
Paul is the president of ProShop USA and founder at Adion Systems—which develops ProShop ERP, a web-based and paperless ERP/MES/QMS system specifically designed for the metalworking industry. They partner with shops who seek to push the edge of technology by going completely paperless, strengthening their ISO or AS9100 systems, combining all their shop software into one system and building robust business processes to achieve high rates of growth, profitability and performance.
Chad Vanderbeek
President, Hibshman Screw Machine Products
Chad is the president of Hibshman Screw Machine Products, a family-owned and -operated job shop serving the needs of their customers for over 55 years. Chad is a hands-on leader with over two decades of experience in the production machining environment. As a second-generation leader in the company, Chad has focused extensively on business development and strategic planning. Since taking over the day-to-day operations, Hibshman has doubled in size with the addition of many new customer and pieces of CNC equipment. As part of his long-term vision and growth strategy, Hibshman became a paperless manufacturing facility in 2022.
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