Toxic company culture was the top reason workers cited for quitting their jobs, according to a recent FlexJobs survey. At the very core of all successful remote and hybrid workplaces are leaders that take conscientious efforts to thoughtfully build their company’s culture. Companies need to be intentional about building a healthy company culture. Join FlexJobs' VP of People and Culture Carol Cochran to learn key strategies for connection, relationship building, and engagement that's at the heart of every great company culture. FlexJobs is recognized by SHRM to offer Professional Development Credits (PDCs) for SHRM-CP® or SHRM-SCP® recertification activities.

You'll learn:
How to translate traditional office culture to a hybrid or remote setting
Specific tools for employee engagement in a hybrid or remote environment
How to actively cultivate and sustain culture for the long run

About Carol:
Carol Cochran, Vice President of People and Culture, leads the human resources functions for FlexJobs. She focuses on team and leadership development, engagement and retention strategies, and organizational management. In 2020, Carol was honored to be named among the “20 Most Inspiring HR Leaders” by Business Insider.

With nearly two decades of experience working with teams and companies, Carol has extensive background in creating and implementing operational and leadership training programs; recruiting, hiring, and onboarding staff at all levels of an organization; and helping to scale operations and culture for growing companies.
FlexJobs Events
Carol Cochran
Vice President of People and Culture
Carol Cochran, Vice President of People and Culture, leads the human resources functions for FlexJobs. She focuses on team and leadership development, engagement and retention strategies, and organizational management. In 2020, Carol was honored to be named among the “20 Most Inspiring HR Leaders” by Business Insider.
With nearly two decades of experience working with teams and companies, Carol has extensive background in creating and implementing operational and leadership training programs; recruiting, hiring, and onboarding staff at all levels of an organization; and helping to scale operations and culture for growing companies.
Keith Spencer
Career Expert
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