In this Live Event, I will be answering any questions you have about the 30 Days to Photoshop Mastery Course. As with any new course, there are always stones left unturned or topics that may need more clarification.

I know there is a TON of content in this course, and asking just one question may be difficult when you have so many. The great thing about a Live Q and A format like this is that I can answer a lot of questions in a short amount of time, and someone else's inquiry may just dig up an answer to another question you had.

It doesn't matter if you've finished the course yet or not, anyone at any point in the course is open to ask questions. Let's dive in!
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    Blake Rudis
    Creator of f.64 Academy and f.64 Elite
    Blake Rudis is a classically trained artist who started as a painter, transitioned into printmaking and sculpture, and finally decided to double down on his love for photography. He incorporates his knowledge of aesthetics and color theory in his photography courses and is known for his acclaimed Photoshop® workflow.

    Blake is a self-published author and is an independent photo educator. His past partnerships include Creative Live, Topaz Labs, Plotagraph Pro, and ON1.