Imagine having one place where you could manage all communications, housing needs, including group/shared housing, and travel needs in one place. Well, you're in luck! The Housing and Travel Management module is a one-stop-shop for your attendees, exhibitors, and speaker's conference registration and hotel needs and where you can manage all processes in one convenient location. During this 1-hour webinar, you will learn more about the many benefits of eShow's Housing and Travel Management Module.
  • Features of the Housing and Travel Management Module
  • Benefits of the Housing and Travel Management Module
  • How the module integrates with other eShow tools and web-based solutions
  • Q&A
Mike Horton
Vice President, Sales & Marketing
Mike Horton is a professional with over 30 years of experience in the event industry space spanning both the association and for-profit sectors. Mike now sits on the Executive Management team at eShow, a leading supplier of web-based and on-site event management solutions. Mike lives in Northern Virginia is married, with three grown children and four grandchildren. His hobbies include classic cars and restoring antiques.