Changes to the JobKeeper scheme were announced on Friday 14 August 2020.

Attend this free webinar where Matthew Burke (Director of EnVision Partners) will provide a practical update on the latest changes to the government economic response and how this will affect you, your business, and your employees.
  • What tests now apply to be an eligible employee?
  • How do I nominate new eligible employees?
  • What are the JobKeeper payment conditions from 3 August 2020?
  • How will this impact my JobKeeper allocation due in September?
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    Matthew Burke
    Principal Partner | Business Management & Advisory Specialist
    Having become a partner with EnVision in 1997, he also has 21 years experience in running his own business.

    This, combined with over 26 years assisting his customer’s businesses, has given Matthew a wealth of knowledge and experience that he can apply to help his customers grow.

    Matthew is passionate about ensuring that his customers are not working hard for nothing, by working smarter, not harder. He also knows how to help customers recover from bad advice and how to help them with protecting their hard earned prosperity.

    Significantly, Matthew's advice is based on a life of experience, not just “theory and numbers”.

    Matthew sees his role as not being just about taxation and business planning, but as an advisor, ensuring his customers can enjoy and protect their life’s hard work.