Daniel answers some important questions and gives you the information to ensure your online presence is secure, effective, and long lasting. In this modern age, most of your data is in the cloud - so where is it, really?

Daniel will explain the importance of Business Continuity (and what it is!) and even touch on how to manage so many passwords with all the new systems and security measures put in place for online programs.
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    Matthew Burke
    Having become a partner with EnVision in 1997, Matthew also has 23 years of experience running his own business.
    This, combined with over 26 years of assisting his customer’s businesses, has given Matthew a wealth of knowledge and experience that he can apply to help his customers grow. He is passionate about ensuring his customers are not working hard for nothing, by working smarter, not harder. He also knows how to help customers recover from bad advice and how to help them with protecting their hard-earned prosperity.
    Significantly, Matthew's advice is based on a life of experience, not just “theory and numbers”. He sees his role as not being just about taxation and business planning, but as an advisor, ensuring his customers can enjoy and protect their life’s hard work.