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Are you a business owner unable to take advantage of surcharging due to location, business model, or personal preference? Join Taryn, Dubsado's Community and Partnerships Leader, for a webinar designed to help you strategically price your services, account for credit card processing fees, and maintain profitability.

Taryn not only handles community & partnerships at Dubsado, she is also a business owner who has learned how to price with purpose in her business!

In this webinar, you'll discover how to:
- Analyze your current pricing structure and identify areas for improvement
- Calculate the impact of processing fees & expenses on your bottom line
- Communicate your pricing effectively and showcase your value to clients
- Learn strategies on pricing increases to reach your ideal income goals

Don't miss this opportunity to optimize your pricing strategy and amplify your profits, regardless of your ability to implement surcharging.

We’re here to help you make more money in your business ☐

Register now!
Wednesday, May 15, 2024 · 9:00 a.m.
Pacific Time (US & Canada)
Duration: 1 hour
Who can attend
Dial-in available? (listen only)
Not available.

Hosted By Dubsado

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