Graduate / Postgraduate education is not meant to be easy- but it is not meant to take a lifetime either. Sometimes things happen and then it seems to take Herculean strenght to get going again. This is the first of a meeting that will continue once a month for the rest of the year. We'll prod each other on as we share tips and set deadlines!

Everyone is welcome but be sure to register to see the recording. If you want to discuss something specific but want the discussion to be anonymous - just email to and I'll speak for you without calling attention to whose work / problems we are discussing.
  • getting to know each other
  • top tips from last year
  • setting deadlines for ourselves - and the next meeting
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    PD.Education gives you step-by-step explanations of the subtleties and skills you need to help your graduate education be less stressful. We cover academic writing, research design, work-life balance and transferable skills for later employment.