“It’s further than you think. Time is short” – The Goblin King (AKA the infamous David Bowie)

We are all doing our best to navigate through a new normal that will forever change the way we look at the world. And we’re finding more than ever that our audiences crave experiences that are new, fresh and credible to pique their interest and move them through the funnel.But how can you successfully meet those needs while still trying to find a way through the marketing labyrinth yourself?

The answer? By integrating influencers into your content in a way that builds audience trust, provides a fresh perspective, and brings more awareness to your brand in a time of distraction. On this magical journey, we’ll dig into what makes for a successful B2B influencer marketing program.

After this session, you’ll be able to:

- Navigate the influencer marketing landscape to avoid pitfalls
- Understand characteristics of the most successful influencer marketers
- Utilize top measures of B2B influencer marketing success
  • 1657657104-600408650af0eb7a
    Taylor Tracy