This session focuses on the development of the social media professional, and the paths you can take for a long and strong career. We’ll discuss roadblocks and struggles experienced along the way, and how you can overcome them through effective communication of your role, setting clear goals, and developing your personal brand.

After this session, you’ll be able to:

- Assess and communicate the role you play in your organization as both a social media professional and as a cross-functional change agent
- Identify where to put your efforts in personal branding, inside and outside of your organization
- Build better rapport with your colleagues
- Approach your annual goal-setting with long-term career development in mind
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    Ashley Sasnett
    Ashley Sasnett is a passionate and energetic digital content and social media strategist who, having worked on both the client and agency-side, loves to galvanize her stakeholders so they can embrace what digital storytelling and media can do for brands. Her favorite days are the ones where she can go from talking tech, to talking about branding elements, to working through reporting glitches, to delivering a narrative to upper management that illustrates the value of social media and digital content. She loves coffee, her boxer dog (Fritz), her torti cat (Freckles), and trying new hobbies.