• About
    We are pretty clear these days that play helps development in childhood and that play generally benefits human relaxation and positive mood states. However, our thinking is often behind the curve in terms of how play fits within 'serious' endeavours such as work or formal learning. Many organisations (including educational institutions) now have nods to play in terms of making play-related activities or facilities available, however these are often associated with 'time off' from the proper business.

    What if play IS the proper business?

    In this talk Alison will present findings from her three year study into The Value of Play in Higher Education. Don't let the higher education bit put you off, though, if this is not your area. What she has to say relates to play in formal adult learning contexts of any kind, and even beyond them. She will share many examples of play-based learning and their benefits, showing that the value of play is multifaceted and speaks to our sense of personal identity.

    She will also address to the things that get in the way of play - many of them relating to our perceptions and practices regarding play as something that should be compartmentalised or left behind as we move beyond adolescence.

    Sign up and join us for free and have access to the replay for seven days after the 17th of October.

    To download a copy of Alisons new book for free, click on this link - https://engagingimagination.com/the-value-of-play-in-he-a-study-free-book/
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