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UX Crunch at Home: Cognitive Psychology and Design

About This Webinar

Technology and design guide us in many ways that can be both conscious and unconscious. The way we design is rooted in psychology; understanding how people think and behave fuels the way we design products and experiences. Deciding on what techniques, strategies and methodologies to use in design all depend on the way the mind works, and so how does the mind work?

In this event we will be exploring the design of choices and decisions, discussing archetypes and human-robot interaction, and understanding interaction in the physical and digital space.

Join us as we sit down at home for a fantastic evening of theoretical insight, case studies, interactivity and more.


Nina Belk - Service Design Practice Lead - Modern Human

Alexander Muir - Principal UX Researcher - Skyscanner

Zafer Bilda - Service Design Lead - LovedBy Design


Tickets are NON-REFUNDABLE however you can watch the recorded event if you miss the live stream.



Nina Belk – Service Design Practice Lead - Modern Human

Nina is a renowned design strategist and leads the service design practice at Modern Human. She brings over 15 years of industry experience, which includes 6 previous leadership roles.

She’s an expert in design research and uses the insights this generates to unlock design and business challenges for clients and creative teams. She has researched the weird and wonderful all over the world: from the practices of pharmaceutical reps in Japan, to the world of call centre agents in Glasgow, and the holiday planning habits of New Yorkers in the US.

Nina was formerly Service Design Lead at Fjord and Research Director at DigitasLBi. She has applied her knowledge of what makes people tick across a wide range of industries, for clients like: American Express, Honda, Astra Zeneca, B&Q, and the BBC.

Architecting Choices

What would you like to watch on TV this evening? Where are you going to stay on your next trip away? What do you fancy for your dinner? The onslaught of choices we make everyday is becoming overwhelming because we haven’t thoughtfully designed the way people navigate them.

Alexander Muir – Principal UX Researcher - Skyscanner

Alexander’s work in the psychology of Human-Robot Interaction started with creating the Connected Car UX research lab at Microsoft, focused on glance, speech and touch interfaces in cars. He went on to lead the HRI practice at the award-winning AMMACHI Labs in South India, with its focus on humanitarian applications of robotics. His students have gone on to gain international recognition and forge multi-country collaborations. His own unique approach to understanding Human-Machine relationships is formed both by experimental work and his experience in counselling & contemplative psychology.

“A Smart Horse, Not a Dumb Human” – Archetypes, Status and Human-Robot Interaction

Empirical studies in Human Robot Interaction – from the Pacific North West to South India – indicate that people naturally relate to robots not as peers, but as subordinates. This talk will share fieldwork approaches to researching this, look at the helping psychological concept of Archetypes, and suggest ways forward for creating a satisfying Human-Robot Interaction.

Zafer Bilda – Service Design Lead - LovedBy Design

Zafer completed a PhD in “design cognition” and has published over 40 research papers on the psychology of design and interaction. Since 2008 he has been helping businesses drive innovation through strategic design. Passionate about human-centred design methodology, he has built its foundations in corporations and agencies.

Psychology of Interactive Experiences

In this talk, you will find principles that will help you research or design interactive experiences. After 2 years of observational studies during my post-doc research, I have found that there are four distinct phases people experience as part of their engagement with interactive installations. Introducing each phase will give you a deeper understanding of the psychology of engagement. I will also share experience design principles that will hopefully guide us to design more creative experiences.

  • 6.00PM - Event Opens - Time to Network
  • 6.30PM - Nina Belk – Service Design Practice Lead @ Modern Human
  • 7.00PM - Alexander Muir - Principal UX Researcher @ Skyscanner
  • 7.30PM - Break
  • 8.00PM - Zafer Bilda - Service Design Lead @ HSBC
  • 8.30PM - Live Panel
Who can view: Everyone
Webinar Price: £5.00
Featured Presenters
Webinar hosting presenter Luke Reed
Founder of Tech Circus
Luke founded Tech Circus in 2015, having just sold his recruitment company after years of building and establishing various successful businesses. He began by organising a number of pub meet-ups that would soon escalate in scale to become The UX Crunch – which is now the leading UX meetup event in Europe.
Webinar hosting presenter
Principal UX Researcher - Skyscanner
Alexander is a career UX Researcher - with experience from North American tech giants to South Indian humanitarian R&D labs - and a background in contemplative psychology.
Webinar hosting presenter
Service Design Practice Lead
Nina is an expert in design research and uses the insights this generates to unlock design and business challenges for clients and creative teams.
Webinar hosting presenter
Service Design Lead - Lovedby Design
Zafer completed a PhD in “design cognition” and has published over 40 research papers on the psychology of design and interaction. Since 2008 he has been helping businesses drive innovation through strategic design. Passionate about human-centred design methodology, he has built its foundations in corporations and agencies.
Hosted By
Tech Circus TV webinar platform hosts UX Crunch at Home: Cognitive Psychology and Design
Tech Circus TV is the virtual part of Tech Circus - an independent company that produces educational events for the UX, Design & Product community. Subscribe for free at TechCircusTV.com.
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