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From competition to collaboration on temporary staffing: How can ICSs best create shared staff banks?

About This Webinar

The workforce challenge in the NHS is multi-faceted and enormously complicated, but it is clear that temporary and flexible staff will be key to addressing it. This makes effective management of staff banks particularly important, not least because it avoids unnecessary use of expensive agency options.

More and more of these banks are open collaborative – instead of competing with one another for temporary staff, multiple trusts across a geographic area unite to ensure best use of the flexible workforce. This increases the pool of staff available to any one organisation, but also increases options for workers.

The move to statutory integrated care systems offers new opportunities to adopt this sort of approach – indeed, NHS England has encouraged ICSs to progress this agenda. So how can ICSs best create a staff bank shared between its constituent organisations? What are the challenges? How can these be overcome? How can such a setup contribute to easing staffing pressures? And, from an employee perspective, what difference does greater access to flexible working make?

This HSJ webinar, run in association with Locum’s Nest, brought together a small panel of experts to consider the answers to these and related questions.

Webinar hosting presenter
Programme director, North Central London ICB
Dennis Carlton joined North Central London ICB in April 2019 as a programme director. His portfolio includes corporate services transformation, within which is the director lead for the establishment of collaborative banks within the ICB. He also leads a number of other ICB-wide strategic change programmes. Before joining NCL ICB, Dennis successfully managed complex change programmes at a regional, sector, trust, and individual service level. He was previously a physiotherapist in Hertfordshire.
Webinar hosting presenter
Chair, HSJ
Claire Read is a professional writer and editor who has specialised in healthcare throughout her 20-year career. She has been a regular contributor to HSJ since 2012 and has a particular interest in healthcare digitisation and technology.
Webinar hosting presenter
Co-founder, Locum’s Nest
Ahmed Shahrabani is co-founder of technology company Locum’s Nest, which provides a holistic workforce solution to NHS organisations. It was in his first medical post, at St Helier Hospital, that Ahmed Shahrabani met his fellow doctor (and then Locum’s Nest co-founder) Nicholas Andreou. The two embarked on a mission to solve the NHS staffing crisis by providing solutions for NHS staff to work flexibly and stay in the jobs they love. Ahmed is a fellow at the NHS Innovation Accelerator (NIA) which supports individuals to scale their innovations for greater patient and population benefit, while sharing their learning, insight and expertise more widely.
Webinar hosting presenter
Executive director of people and culture, Royal United Hospitals Bath Foundation Trust
Alfredo Thompson joined Royal United Hospitals Bath Foundation Trust in February 2022 as director of people and culture. He joined from North Middlesex University Hospital Trust, where he had been workforce programmes director, and has also held director-level posts at other organisations inside and outside the NHS. Alfredo is passionate about organisational culture, staff experience and inclusion and at Royal United Hospitals Bath FT is seeking to build an environment in which employees feel well cared for and able to express their true feelings at work.