The “battle for talent”, the “Great Resignation”, the “Great Reshuffle” and the familiar adage of the “war for talent” are unavoidable, but not new. However, competition for talent isn’t going anywhere, especially in certain industries and for candidates with sought-after skills. Companies that were slow to adapt to this changing talent environment two years ago and that have additionally been reluctant to digitize are now having to face the music as they are forced to change fast to stay above water.

Organizations today that are winning the talent battle, know that AI tech is a must-have, in order to source new talent and understand their existing talent.

The journey from strategy through to execution requires technology that will support the goals of the organization, with a need for resilience and future-proofing in mind, that will ensure that the right people, with the right skill-set, are being hired, up-skilled, and retained.

Join us live to:
• Consider what the current talent market means for your talent acquisition strategy.
• Learn how AI tech can be the lever your organization needs to succeed to acquire and retain talent based on their skills.
• Know what strategies an IT-enabled HR team can implement to improve their internal mobility opportunities and success stories.
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