Being a team of one is challenging when you're trying to engage your online community. You are not alone! How do you build a team internally and externally to strengthen your community and association?
Tirza Austin
Manager, Online Community, American Society of Civil Engineers
Tirza Austin is an online community manager for the American Society of Civil Engineers. In her first year, her projects included relaunching the members-only community, starting a new mentoring program, and launching a student and younger member portal with curated content featuring an online forum. Within months, the younger member portal doubled the initial goal of 10,000 users in a year. More than 1,000 members have enrolled in the mentoring program. Site traffic for the online platform has almost tripled.

During the COVID-19 Pandemic she worked to support ASCE members through the online community. She launched a COVID-19 resource page featuring community content. She also worked on creating a weekly, virtual roundtable series (Thursdays @ 3).

She enjoys studying member engagement and looks forward to the challenge of improving membership retention at ASCE.
She is a member of CMX Pro, Toastmasters International, and the American Society of Association Executives. In her free time, she enjoys spending time with her seven-year-old daughter, Pearl.