Working Cross Culturally: Teamwork in a Global World

Global teamwork is essential to success in today’s world. Yet navigating cultural differences, language barriers and remote team members present an array of difficult and unprecedented challenges that often leave one frustrated and confused.

So how do you negotiate those differences and work together effectively?


+Team dynamics in cross-cultural teams: Team dynamics have a strong impact on how a team behaves and performs, and their effects can be complex. How do different cultures influence team dynamics, and how can you lead a diverse team effectively?

+Communication: When it comes to communication, language barriers are only one area where cross cultural teams suffer. For example, different conversational styles can result in miscommunication, create conflict and alienate team members. What are the different conversational styles, how do you recognize them, and how does one prevent different types of communication related conflicts?

+Attitudes and behaviors: Individuals need to recognize and understand the different cultures within which they interact and how they might affect someone’s attitudes and behaviors. How do these cultural dimensions affect behavior, and how can you adjust to maximize team cohesion and productivity?

+Values: Values influence the way team members interact and bond, but they are also what drives individuals and they can broadly differ by country of origin. What role do values play in intrinsic and team motivation and how can you find common ground amongst people from all across the globe?
  • Business & finance
  • Coaching
  • Professional development
  • Categories:
    • Business & finance
    • Coaching
    • Professional development
  • Duration: 1 hour 30 minutes
  • Price: Free
  • Language: English
  • Who can attend? Everyone
  • Webinar ID: 0a8779322b99
  • Dial-in available? (listen only): Yes.
  • Dial-in Number: Please register for this Webinar to view the dial-in info.
Betty Ys
Audio is not the best. A tad hard to follow.
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